Sunday, May 10, 2015

Final Post

 What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
    My favorite part of my topic was being able to learn more about the history and concept of lucid dreaming. 
 What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
    My least favorite part of my topic was that I could not completely go into a new topic or area of psychology without exactly searching it up. 
What do you like best about Genius Hour research?
     I like that it allowed us to learn about something we weren't assigned too. We could research something we were curious about. 
What do you like least about Genius Hour research?
      Knowing that I had to have my blog entry due by a certain date made me feel sometimes rushed with my research. 
What was the most important thing you learned about yourself?
     I learned that I can procrastinate at times and can get distracted with other topics in my research time. 
 Overall Genius Hour has showed me that I infact love the "psychology web" and I'm looking forward to becoming a psychologist!

Body Language

      Body Language is shown while communicating with other individuals. Psychologist use this to determine a persons "messages". Body language is not just your face but your entire body. Learning these will help you have a better understanding to people's emotions. 
        At the top of your body, when you jut out your chin this can show stubbornness. When keeping your eyes up with your neck, it shows a poised person. Slouching can show you are not confident with your body and can ruin your posture. 
        At the bottom of your body, shaking of your leg can show anxiety. Crossing your ankles and hands can help stop this motion and help with posture. Tapping of your toes can show anxiousness, also that you may not want to say something rude to another. Knowing how to read Body Language can help interpet others emotions. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Psychology: Memories

      Memories are a big part of psychology. With memories the brain allows us to remember who, what, when, and where things happened. Without memories our lives could be a mess. We store our ideas with short term memory and store past events with our long term memory.
      Photographic memory is when we can remember a exact image stored in our brain. In children having photographic memory is more likely than a adults. Psychologist have yet to find out the reason for this. I believe that if humans had this all the time life would be hectic!
        Have you every had a moment where you swear it already happened? Well this is known as deja vu also known to psychologist as source memory. Our Brains retrieve the previous situation from our memory.
          I believe having memories is one of the most important things we need to learn from mistakes. Having memories is what revolves around our daily lives.