Sunday, May 3, 2015


Psychology: Memories

      Memories are a big part of psychology. With memories the brain allows us to remember who, what, when, and where things happened. Without memories our lives could be a mess. We store our ideas with short term memory and store past events with our long term memory.
      Photographic memory is when we can remember a exact image stored in our brain. In children having photographic memory is more likely than a adults. Psychologist have yet to find out the reason for this. I believe that if humans had this all the time life would be hectic!
        Have you every had a moment where you swear it already happened? Well this is known as deja vu also known to psychologist as source memory. Our Brains retrieve the previous situation from our memory.
          I believe having memories is one of the most important things we need to learn from mistakes. Having memories is what revolves around our daily lives.

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